Monday, September 25, 2023

Day 9 - Self-care

I have been working on a workshop on Self-care for a series of workshops I am facilitating at Gilda's Club here in Barrie.

Since today is Sunday, a day many associate with "rest," I thought I would write about self-care today.

Self-care is often thought of as simply eating right, exercising and getting enough sleep.  But it's a lot more than that.  It's about taking responsibility for your well-being in ALL areas of your life.  

Looking at all the categories we need to personally attend to, it becomes evident that self-care is a journey in and of itself.

It's about not expecting anyone else to meet our needs in these areas and figuring out how to do it ourselves.  Ultimately, it's an essential part of becoming a mature adult. 

The people around us definitely support us in meeting our needs.  We can only meet our social needs, for example, by creating connections with others.  We need emotional support from people who love and care about us.  

But we must create the mindset and develop the self-awareness necessary to understand our needs and take steps towards meeting them.   

What self-care categories should you be attending to?

Create an awesome day!

If you want more resources on this or other personal growth topics.

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