Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Focus, perception and self-awareness

What we focus on influences our perception of reality.  Check out the following video.

We can completely miss the Monkey as we focus on counting the passes.
How often does this happen in our everyday lives?
What can cause us to "miss the monkey"?

When we walk into a situation, let's say an interaction with another person, we bring past emotions, beliefs and thoughts to that situation.  These act as filters to how we perceive what is actually happening.
Humans naturally tend to look for proof that their beliefs are true.  It's what's called Confirmation Bias.

Our moods can affect how we judge a situation.

When information is missing, we often fill in the blanks based on past experiences.
Now, missing a Monkey in a video is no big deal.  Missing essential information when making a decision or interacting with our environment can have undesired consequences. 

How do we avoid this?  It can be as simple as asking ourselves a few questions.

Here are some examples.
What information am I missing?
How are my beliefs influencing my thoughts and reactions right now?
If I were to look at this situation from a completely different point of view, what would I notice?
What am I feeling right now?  How is that affecting my behaviour and my actions?
Is my current perception helpful or constructive?  Is it 100% accurate?
Where is my focus?
Becoming mindful of where our focus is and how it can influence our perceptions is a step toward self-awareness.   Self-awareness is vital to living your best life.

Create an awesome day!

Joanne 💗


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